Environment » Three Overarching Goals

The 12 U.S. Sustainable Value Networks are organized under our three overall goals*:


Our SVN Structure

Our Sustainability 360 approach is a global program for Wal-Mart, with each of our international markets – from China to Costa Rica – creating sustainability programs that align with our company's overall goals. Some of the countries, such as China, are also developing their own SVN systems. They are creating initiatives with benchmarks that best fit issues of special importance, whether it is a waste, energy or social issue, to their country and communities. In doing so, our international operations can focus on efforts that have the greatest impact while helping our Company move toward its sustainability goals.


What Others Are Saying:

"Wal-Mart's commitment gets to the larger point I have been trying to hammer home like a broken record since we've started on this climate change thing. All the talk in the world is fine, but you must have a specific strategy. People have to have operational plans that they can all be a part of. Matt Kistler and the whole Wal-Mart team are geniuses at breaking big problems down into very bite-sized, chewable component parts and then chewing through it until you add it all up." President Bill Clinton at the 2008 Clinton Global Initiative in New York City, September 2008