Economic » ASDA Monthly Income Tracker

ASDA Monthly Income Tracker

Without question, the entire world is feeling the pressures associated with the global financial crisis. As our customers continue to depend on us to deliver value for them, we want to continue to demonstrate that we are an advocate for them — and that our "Save money. Live better.®" approach to solving major global challenges is relevant in their lives. Moreover, we believe we can play a role in helping policymakers and influencers understand the situations of our customers, while bringing about the kinds of solutions that our customers want and need.


As an example, in March 2008, our ASDA stores in the U.K. released the first-ever ASDA Monthly Income Tracker, as a monthly barometer of the economic welfare of British consumers. Compiled with the help of the Center for Economics and Business Research Ltd., the reports show, in real terms, how much money British consumers have to spend each month, and offer a glimpse into the true cost of living in the U.K.

With the tracker's data, ASDA has become a respected, sought-after authority on the typical British family's spending power after taxes and other necessary expenses. The tracker has allowed us to demonstrate the role retailers play in keeping inflation down and lowering the cost of living for British families. It also serves as an internal motivator to our buyers, who can better understand the importance of delivering low prices each day. But perhaps most important, the tracker highlights how closely ASDA'S customer base matches the demographics of the U.K., making it a valuable tool for policymakers, influencers and thought leaders throughout the country.

In 2008, members of the media routinely cited the income tracker as an indicator of how British families were weathering the economic slowdown. Major national newspapers, including the Telegraph, Independent, Times, Mail, and Sun and Mirror, have all cited the tracker, as have prominent British broadcasters and politicians. The income tracker has even been used on the floor of Parliament, as the Tories highlighted income tracker data as evidence of the increased cost of living for the average U.K. family.

On a quarterly basis, ASDA also provides reports on spending power, by region, income, occupation and household-type — further cementing our role as an expert on the welfare of British consumers and as an advocate for them in a challenging economic climate.