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A Few Words From Board Leadership

Charles McCrary

Independent Chair of the Board

With oversight from the Board of Directors and each of its committees, the Company continued its focus on responding to both our shareholders and our stakeholders with comparable and decision-useful environmental, social and governance (ESG) and sustainability disclosures that align with our strategic focus to continuously improve.

Don DeFosset

Chair of the Compensation and Human Resources Committee

In 2019, the Compensation and Human Resources (CHR) Committee continued its oversight of executive compensation and strengthened its oversight of the Company’s human capital management (HCM). Through its oversight, the CHR Committee strives to strengthen the effectiveness of our HCM strategies and their alignment with our corporate culture and long-term strategic priorities.

Johnny Johns

Chair of the Risk Committee

In alignment with our established risk appetite, the Risk Committee has effectively overseen the key risks to the Company over the last year by reviewing critical business functions, including, but not limited to, customer privacy and fair banking, interest rate risk management, credit policy and underwriting, data governance, cyber and information security and third-party risk management and conducting recurring reviews of risk factors associated with business changes made in connection with the Company’s strategic priority to Continuously Improve.

Carolyn Byrd

Chair of the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee remains committed to carrying out its critical responsibility to provide oversight of Regions’ financial reporting process, including assessing relevant risks and complying with legal and regulatory requirements. The Audit Committee Chair meets regularly with the leadership team from Internal Audit, executives and other members of management, as well as the independent auditing firm, to preview meeting topics and materials and to gain valuable insight on the scope and results of audit activities.

Ruth Ann Marshall

Chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee

The Nominating and Corporate Governance (NCG) Committee has diligently exercised its oversight responsibilities throughout 2019, particularly in the areas of shareholder engagement and ESG. In 2019, the NCG Committee oversaw Regions’ adoption and disclosure of a Human Rights Statement and Vendor Code of Conduct, both important elements of the Company’s operations. Regions also published its first Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) disclosure in 2019. These disclosures complement the Environmental Sustainability Policy Statement and Goals that were already in place.

Charles McCrary

Independent Chair
of the Board

Don DeFosset

Chair of Compensation and
Human Resources Committee

Johnny Johns

Chair of the
Risk Committee

Carolyn Byrd

Chair of the
Audit Committee

Ruth Ann Marshall

Chair of the Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee

Regions Board of Directors and Profile1

Carolyn H. Byrd

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GlobalTech Financial, LLC

Don DeFosset

Retired Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Walter Industries, Inc.

Samuel A. Di Piazza, Jr.

Retired Global Chief Executive Officer, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Retired Vice Chairman, Global Corporate and Investment Bank, Citigroup Inc.

Zhanna Golodryga

Chief Digital and Administrative Officer, Phillips 66

John D. Johns

Retired Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Protective Life Corporation

Ruth Ann Marshall

Retired President, The Americas,
MasterCard International, Inc.

Charles D. McCrary

Independent Chair of the Board,
Regions Board of Directors
Retired Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Alabama Power Company

James T. Prokopanko

Retired President and Chief Executive Officer, The Mosaic Company

Lee J. Styslinger III

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Altec, Inc.

José S. Suquet

Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Pan-American Life Insurance Group

John M. Turner, Jr.

President and Chief Executive Officer,
Regions Financial Corporation and
Regions Bank

Timothy Vines

President and Chief Executive Officer,
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama

Overall Diversity
25% Female
Gender Diversity
Since 2015
65 Years
Average Age
8 Years
Average Tenure
10 or Fewer
Years of Service

(1) Data is as of the 2020 Annual Meeting of Shareholders held April 22, 2020