Hazardous Substances
& Trade Compliance

We focus on addressing risks that products may pose to customers, the environment or society.

Hazardous Substances

Experts in Micron’s Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) organization and Product Compliance group collaborate to ensure product compliance with legal and customer requirements related to hazardous substances, such as the European Union directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). Today, these regulations focus on hazardous materials. Ultimately, they may become part of a broader list of restricted substances that includes substances known to be hazardous as well as those with potential to be harmful. Proactive product compliance, validation and certification processes allow us to deliver new products quickly while ensuring proper restricted substance control and conformance with current and future requirements.

Man in technology clean room

High-purity chemicals, some with hazardous properties, are also required in Micron’s manufacturing processes. For more information about how we manage these substances during manufacturing, see the Hazardous Substances and Waste Management section of this report.

Regular reviews of content needs help us to reduce the environmental impact of our products. Our EHS organization, Product Compliance group and global procurement teams work together to ensure that Micron products and processes meet legal and customer product compliance requirements. When new substances are added to relevant regulatory lists, our procurement team communicates new requirements throughout our supply chain, reminds suppliers of Micron’s expectations and applicable documentation, and requires a prompt response from each supplier regarding its use of any regulated items.

We expect suppliers to monitor the development of the candidate list for potential inclusions in the REACH regulation and other applicable control requirements for restricted substances. All these efforts provide our customers with the knowledge that we are striving to provide products that meet quality, technology, service, delivery and sustainability expectations.

man walking next to pipe lines

Global Trade Compliance

Compliance with all applicable trade compliance laws and regulations is a high priority for Micron management and our subsidiaries. Micron requires its employees and representatives to conduct their business with the highest possible ethical standards and mandates compliance with export controls, import and customs, economic sanctions and embargoes, and anti-boycott laws and regulations.

To achieve these objectives, Micron’s trade compliance program includes the following:

  • Policies and protocols to ensure employees and management are trained on applicable trade compliance regulations
  • Risk assessments and oversight to comply with all regulations
  • Internal processes to effectively manage international operations, personnel and third-party relationships
  • Protocols for adequate compliance recordkeeping
  • Internal reporting channels for suspected violations

Compliance with trade compliance laws and regulations is vital to protecting the safety and security of the countries in which Micron operates and to ensuring that our products, technology and software do not fall into the hands of entities and persons that seek to do harm. As a global company, Micron’s commitment to our trade compliance initiatives ensures seamless support for our major objectives, key business strategies and delivery of customer excellence.