Data Protection
& User Privacy

We work closely with our customers to understand their needs related to user privacy and data protection, while also looking at industry trends and potential vulnerabilities.

Specific areas of growth and vulnerability are the internet of things (IoT) and the industrial internet of things (IIoT). What began as a means of machine-to-machine communication has evolved into a complex network of millions of connected devices worldwide.

As a result of IoT growth, Micron’s innovation focus today includes not only storage solutions for vast amounts of new data but also security for IoT devices. The threat of enterprise attacks is far-reaching, given the vulnerability of embedded systems — which are in everything from factory automation equipment to automobiles to smart home devices — to cyberattacks.

Circuit board key

As everyday smart devices become high-risk entry points for cybercriminals, Micron’s Authenta™ technology provides a layer of defensive hardware reinforcements to our existing nonvolatile memory sockets, without adding new components to the system. This unique security solution has increased Micron’s value as a memory provider for IoT and connected devices across automotive, industrial and consumer markets. The Micron Authenta Key Management Service is a security-as-a-service platform that allows cloud activation of installed Authenta flash devices and their management at the edge. This capability enables platform-hardening and device protection through the entire lifecycle of our customer solutions, extending from the manufacturing supply chain to in-field onboarding, upgrades and management.

Technologies like Authenta build on Micron’s market and industry leadership. We are an active member of the Trusted Computing Group — an industry standards body that develops and maintains the open standards and specifications for self-encrypting drives (SEDs) and other trusted devices. A decade ago, we launched one of the industry’s first solid-state SEDs intended for mobile computing and have since developed drives that meet the rigorous Federal Information Processing Standards.

Micron’s innovation focus today includes not only storage solutions for vast amounts of new data but also security for IoT devices.