GRI Index

GRI Standard Disclosure Location
General Disclosures
GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016 Organizational Profile
Disclosure: 102-1 Name of the organization Location: About This Report
Disclosure: 102-2 Activities, brands, products and services Location: Sustainability at Micron | About Micron
Micron 2019 Form 10-K | Products
Disclosure: 102-3 Location of headquarters Location: Sustainability at Micron | Micron’s Global Footprint
Micron 2019 Form 10-K
Disclosure: 102-4 Location of operations Location: Sustainability at Micron | Micron’s Global Footprint
Micron 2019 Form 10-K | Locations
Disclosure: 102-5 Ownership and legal form Location: Micron 2019 Form 10-K
Disclosure: 102-6 Markets served Location: Sustainability at Micron | About Micron
Micron 2019 Form 10-K
Disclosure: 102-7 Scale of the organization Location: Micron 2019 Form 10-K
Disclosure: 102-8 Information on employees and other workers Location: People | Diversity & Inclusion
2019 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Report
Micron’s diversity and inclusion report includes headcount by region, diversity metrics by gender (in leadership and technical roles), race and ethnicity in the United States and additional self-reported data on our our LGBTQ+, disabled, and U.S. veteran populations.
Disclosure: 102-9 Supply chain Location: Responsible Sourcing
Micron 2019 Form 10-K | Supply Chain
Disclosure: 102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain Location: Micron 2019 Form 10-K
Disclosure: 102-11 Precautionary principle or approach Location: The Risk & Resilience program does not currently use the term precautionary principle, but Micron does recognize it is our responsibility to endeavor to prevent any harm from our actions. Micron’s Enterprise Risk Management system puts controls in place when we know our actions have the potential to harm. As Micron reviews and creates new corporate policies in the future, the precautionary principle term may be included.
Disclosure: 102-12 External initiatives Location: Specific charters/principles are covered in the relevant section of this sustainability report by topic.
Disclosure: 102-13 Membership of associations Location: Sustainability at Micron | Stakeholder Engagement
Responsible Sourcing
Disclosure: 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker Location: Accelerating Sustainability | A Message From Our CEO
Ethics and Integrity
Disclosure: 102-16 Values, principles, standards and norms of behavior Location: Sustainability at Micron | Code of Conduct
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics | Compliance and Ethics
Disclosure: 102-17 Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics Location: Sustainability at Micron | Code of Conduct | Compliance Hotline
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016 Governance
Disclosure: 102-18 Governance structure Location: Sustainability at Micron | Sustainability Strategy | Sustainability Governance
Micron 2019 Form 10-K | Corporate Governance
Stakeholder Engagement
Disclosure: 102-40 List of stakeholder groups Location: Sustainability at Micron | Stakeholder Engagement
Disclosure: 102-41 Collective bargaining agreements Location: 8% of Micron’s work force is covered by collective bargaining agreements.
Disclosure: 102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders Location: Sustainability at Micron | Stakeholder Engagement
Disclosure: 102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement Location: Sustainability at Micron | Stakeholder Engagement
Sustainability at Micron | Sustainability Strategy
Disclosure: 102-44 Key topics and concerns raised Location: Sustainability at Micron | Materiality Assessment
Reporting Practice
Disclosure: 102-45 Entities included in the consolidated financial statements Location: Micron 2019 Form 10-K
Disclosure: 102-46 Defining report content and topic boundaries Location: Sustainability at Micron | Materiality Assessment
2018 Micron Sustainability Priorities
Our report content is informed by our materiality assessment and the GRI Standards.
Disclosure: 102-47 List of material topics Location: Sustainability at Micron | Materiality Assessment
Disclosure: 102-48 Restatements of information Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Disclosure: 102-49 Changes in reporting Location: No significant changes from prior reporting periods.
Disclosure: 102-50 Reporting period Location: About This Report
This annual report covers Micron’s sustainability performance in fiscal year 2019 unless otherwise stated.
Disclosure: 102-51 Date of most recent report Location: | Sustainability
Our previous sustainability report was issued in April 2019.
Disclosure: 102-52 Reporting cycle Location: | Sustainability
Micron reports our sustainability information annually.
Disclosure: 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report Location:
Director of Sustainability
Disclosure: 102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards Location: About This Report
Disclosure: 102-55 GRI content index Location: GRI Index
Disclosure: 102-56 External assurance Location: The sustainability report and GRI disclosures were not subject to external assurance.
Material Topics
200 Series (Economic Topics)
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016 Disclosure: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary
103-2 The management approach and its components
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach
Location: Micron 2019 Form 10-K
Sustainability at Micron
Products & Innovation
Economic Performance
GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016 Disclosure: 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed Location: Micron 2019 Form 10-K
GRI 205: Anticorruption 2016 Disclosure: 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption Location: In FY19, 100% of Micron’s operations were assessed for risks related for corruption. Zero significant risks were identified.
Disclosure: 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures Location: Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics informs employees and business partners about our compliance protocols to avoid corruption. This information is communicated to all of Micron’s governance body members and employees (full-time, part-time and contractors) via the company intranet and at new employee onboarding. In FY19, 100% of governance body members and employees in all of Micron’s regions completed an annual certification to abide by the Code. Micron and its subsidiaries expect suppliers to adopt and implement the RBA Code of Conduct and Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics regardless of local business practices or social customs. Micron’s Supplier Requirements Standard communicates code of conduct expectations annually through the training and business reviews.
Disclosure: 205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken Location: All reports made in good faith are investigated thoroughly and appropriate action is taken in cases that are substantiated. In FY19, Micron did not record any confirmed incidents of corruption in employees or business partners.
Anti-Competitive Behavior
GRI 206: Anti-Competitive Behavior 2016 Disclosure: 206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practice Location: Micron 2019 Form 10-K (pages 17-18 and 65-66)
In FY19, Micron did not incur monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anti-competitive behavior regulations.
300 Series (Environmental Topics)
GRI 103: Management Approach 2017 Disclosure: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary Location: Environment
Disclosure: 103-2 The management approach and its components Location: Environment
Disclosure: 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach Location: Environment
GRI 302: Energy 2016 Disclosure: 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Environment | Energy & GHG Emissions
Micron CDP Climate Change Disclosure
Energy Consumption & Savings
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Purchased Electricity 2015: 4,340,652 2016: 5,114,263 2017: 5,224,270 2018: 5,612,231 2019: 6,105,748
Purchased Steam 2015: 94,076 2016: 87,586 2017: 84,263 2018: 82,522 2019: 81,541
Purchased Cooling 2015: 119,572 2016: 119,469 2017: 115,714 2018: 112,814 2019: 112,593
Fuel 2015: 1,961,186 2016: 2,077,142 2017: 2,007,458 2018: 2,143,649 2019: 2,265,111
Total Energy Consumption 2015: 6,515,487 2016: 7,398,459 2017: 7,431,705 2018: 7,951,216 2019: 8,564,993
Energy Saving 2015: 55,048 2016: 202,443 2017: 93,998 2018: 53,339 2019: 53,981
Energy consumptions and savings in megawatt hours (MWh)
Information is collected and reported to CDP annually.
Data assumptions and calculations are consistent with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2006.
CY19 data does not include Micron’s former 200mm fabrication facility in Singapore.
Disclosure: 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Environment | Energy & GHG Emissions
Micron CDP Climate Change Disclosure
Disclosure: 302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services Location: Products & Innovation
Micron CDP Climate Change Disclosure
GRI 303: Water 2016 Disclosure: 303-1 Water withdrawal by source Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Environment | Water Stewardship
Micron CDP Water Security Disclosure
GRI 305: Emissions 2016 Disclosure: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Environment | Energy & GHG Emissions
Micron CDP Climate Change Disclosure
Disclosure: 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Environment | Energy & GHG Emissions
Micron CDP Climate Change Disclosure
Disclosure: 305-4 GHG emissions intensity Location: 0.000188 MTCO2e (Scope 1+2)/$ revenue
Micron CDP Climate Change Disclosure
Disclosure: 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Environment | Energy & GHG Emissions
Environment | Sustainability Aspirations
Micron CDP Climate Change Disclosure
Effluents and Waste
GRI 306: Effluents and Waste 2016 Disclosure: 306-1 Water discharge by quality and destination Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Environment | Water Stewardship
Micron CDP Water Security Disclosure
Wastewater Discharge
2017 2018 2019
Discharge to POTW (m3) 2017: 30,278,183 2018: 32,430,556 2019: 32,844,397
Discharge to Water Body (m3) 2017: 5,971,758 2018: 5,538,003 2019: 6,012,551
% Treatment at POTW 2017: 84% 2018: 85% 2019: 85%
POTW: Publicly Owned Treatment Works Water volume in cubic meters (m3)
Disclosure: 306-2 Waste by type and disposal method Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Environment | Hazardous Substances & Waste Management
Disclosure: 306-4 Transport of hazardous waste Location: Environment | Performance at a Glance
Environment | Hazardous Substances & Waste Management
In CY19 Micron did not import or export hazardous waste.
GRI 307: Environmental Compliance 2016 Disclosure: 307-1 Noncompliance with environmental laws and regulations Location: Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
In FY19 Micron had zero significant fines or nonmonetary actions for noncompliance with environmental laws and regulations.
Supplier Environmental Assessment
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016 Disclosure: 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria Location: Responsible Sourcing | Supplier Expectations | Sourcing Responsibly
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
As of the end of CY19, Micron screens 100% of all new suppliers (over 725 in CY19) for environmental criteria. Throughout 2019 and earlier, Micron screened 100% of all new suppliers that directly support Micron’s manufacturing processes.
Disclosure: 308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken Location: Responsible Sourcing | Supplier Expectations
We assess 100% of suppliers that directly support Micron’s manufacturing for environmental impacts upon onboarding and assess and score our strategic suppliers annually. In FY19, more than 200 suppliers committed to improvement plans. No suppliers were found to meet criteria for termination as a result of noncompliance with environmental issues.
400 Series (Social Topics)
GRI 103: Management Approach 2017 Disclosure: 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary Location: Responsible Sourcing
2019 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Report
Disclosure: 103-2 The management approach and its components Location: Responsible Sourcing
2019 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Report
Disclosure: 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach Location: Responsible Sourcing
2019 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Report
GRI 401: Employment 2016 Disclosure: 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover Micron considers this information to be confidential and therefore does not publicly disclose it.
Disclosure: 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees Location: Micron Candidate Website
People | Safe, Healthy & Secure
Occupational Health and Safety
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018 Disclosure: 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system Location: Environment | EHS Approach
People | Safe, Healthy & Secure
Disclosure: 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation Location: People | Safe, Healthy & Secure
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics | Safety in Our Workplace
Disclosure: 403-3 Occupational health services Location: People | Safe, Healthy & Secure
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Disclosure: 403-4 Worker participation, consultation and communication on occupational health and safety Location: People | Safe, Healthy & Secure
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Disclosure: 403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety Location: People | Safe, Healthy & Secure
Disclosure: 403-6 Promotion of worker health Location: People | Safe, Healthy & Secure
Disclosure: 403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships Location: People | Safe, Healthy & Secure
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Training and Education
GRI 404: Training and Education 2016 Disclosure: 404-1 Average hours of training per year per employee Location: People | Professional Development
Disclosure: 404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs Location: People | Professional Development
Micron provides global transitional assistance programs for those team members affected by a reduction in workforce or those who participated in the 2019 early retirement program. Transitional assistance includes career guidance, resume writing and access to career opportunities both regionally and globally. In 2019, Micron offered a one-time voluntary retirement program to eligible team members globally.
Disclosure: 404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews Location: In FY19, 100% of eligible employees received a performance review. Eligible employees make up 80% of Micron’s total workforce and are those with at least three months of performance in the fiscal year, not including contractors, union workers, fixed-term employees, codice identificativo di gara, or those who participated in Micron’s voluntary retirement offering or were separated with a severance package.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 Disclosure: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees Location: People | Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
2019 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Report
Micron 2019 Form 10-K
Disclosure: 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men Location: People | Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
2019 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Report | Our Commitment to Pay Equity
GRI 406: Nondiscrimination 2016 Disclosure: 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken Location: Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
2019 Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Report
Micron reports internally on all allegations, including discrimination. In CY19, we began to provide this report to the SVP of Human Resources and CEO monthly, and the board of directors’ audit committee on a quarterly basis. All allegations of discrimination reported through HR, compliance, or other channels are fully investigated and documented, and appropriate actions are taken.
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Disclosure: 407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk Location: Responsible Sourcing
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Micron Human Rights Policy | Sourcing Responsibly
Child Labor
GRI 408: Child Labor 2016 Disclosure: 408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor Location: Responsible Sourcing
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Micron Human Rights Policy | Sourcing Responsibly
Forced or Compulsory Labor
GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016 Disclosure: 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor Location: Responsible Sourcing
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Micron Human Rights Policy | Slavery and Human Trafficking
Human Rights Assessment
GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment 2016 Disclosure: 412-2 Employee training on human rights policies or procedures Location: Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Micron Human Rights Policy
We are strongly committed to respecting and protecting human rights wherever we operate (see Fair Labor Standard in our Code of Conduct.) In FY19, 100% of Micron’s workforce at manufacturing sites were educated on our Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement and on eliminating forced labor, slavery and human trafficking from the global supply chain.
Local Communities
GRI 413: Local Communities 2016 Disclosure: 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs Location: Communities
Stakeholder Engagement
Our publicly available compliance hotline also enables stakeholders to share issues and concerns.
Supplier Social Assessment
GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016 Disclosure: 414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria Location: Responsible Sourcing | Sourcing Responsibly
Micron Code of Business Conduct and Ethics | Slavery and Human Trafficking
Micron Human Rights Policy | Supplier Expectations
As of the end of CY19 Micron screened 100% of all new suppliers (more than 725 in CY19) for social criteria. Throughout 2019 and earlier, Micron screened 100% of all new suppliers that directly support Micron’s manufacturing processes.
Disclosure: 414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken Location: | Supplier Expectations | Slavery and Human Trafficking
Micron Human Rights Policy
We assess 100% of suppliers that directly support Micron’s manufacturing for social impacts upon onboarding and assess and score our strategic suppliers annually. In FY19, more than 200 suppliers committed to improvement plans. No suppliers were found to meet criteria for termination as a result of noncompliance with social issues.
Customer Health and Safety
GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 2016 Disclosure: 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories Location: Product & Innovation | Hazardous Substances & Trade Compliance
Micron assesses the health and safety impacts and potential for improvement of all product categories.
Marketing and Labeling
GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling 2016 Disclosure: 417-1 Requirements for product and service information and labeling Location: Micron embeds environmental and regulatory compliance in the product design process, ensuring our products are aligned to requirements in a number of different jurisdictions. Suppliers are required to comply with Micron’s environmental product compliance spec. The spec contains a list of banned and restricted substances. Solid-state drive product labels bear multiple safety/emissions/substance marks: CE-EU EMI/RoHS, FCC — US EMI, VCCI — Japan, BSMI - EMI/RoHS, ICES — Canada EMI, RCM — AUS/NZ EMI, KC — Korea EMI, Morocco — Morocco EMI, UL — US/Canada safety, TUV — Germany safety, or China RoHS. Halogen-free text is included where applicable. WEE symbol is also included per customer request; however, Micron’s current obligation is just to notify the customer of material content. Module product labels bear the CE mark, indicating EMI/RoHS compliance. RoHS and low halogen compliance is built into the part number.
Customer Privacy
GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016 Disclosure: 418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data Location: In FY19, Micron had zero leaks, thefts or losses of customer data and received zero substantiated complaints from customers, outside parties or regulatory bodies concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data.