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2019 2020 2021
Net Patient Service Revenue
Net Patient Service Revenue (Gross of Uncollectible Accounts) 2019:1835.9 2020:1840.1 2021:1825.5
Provision for Uncollectible Accounts 2019:-679.4 2020:-745.1 2021:-549.1
Net Patient Service Revenue (Net of Provision for Uncollectible Accounts) 2019:1156.5 2020:1095.0 2021:1276.4
Other Revenue 2019:138.5 2020:272.8 2021:220.1
Total Revenue 2019:1295.0 2020:1367.8 2021:1496.5
Salaries & Benefits 2019:583.7 2020:612.3 2021:666.7
Supplies & Other Expenses 2019:676.0 2020:680.2 2021:728.8
Depreciation & Interest 2019:65.6 2020:71.0 2021:74.6
Total Expenses 2019:1325.3 2020:1363.5 2021:1470.1
Shortfall before County Contributions 2019:-30.3 2020:4.3 2021:26.4
County Contributions 2019:55.4 2020:55.4 2021:55.4
Operating Margin 2019:25.1 2020:59.7 2021:81.8
Non-Operating Margin 2019:4.7 2020:76.1 2021:39.1
Excess or (Shortfall) 2019:29.8 2020:135.8 2021:120.9