As a financial services company, our environmental footprint is relatively small, stemming primarily from corporate buildings and data centers' operations. Still, there are areas where we can continue to improve, and we are committed to doing so. We are reviewing our greenhouse emissions data to help us build a roadmap towards a carbon reduction goal where we have operational control. We are also evaluating how we can further address global challenges presented by climate change by further minimizing the environmental impact of our physical operations as well as designing solutions to build a more sustainable and low carbon future.
Discover engages in strategic, company-wide environmental efforts under the leadership of our ESG Committee and our newly named Chief ESG Officer. We focus on reducing energy use and emissions, minimizing waste, and using water responsibly. Our strategy accounts for the needs of communities where we operate, such as reducing supplemental irrigation in water-stressed climates and converting paper waste into supplies for local schools. It also guides us toward bolder steps, like migrating elements of our physical data centers to cloud-based solutions to increase energy efficiency and working toward carbon neutrality.
Ultimately, we know we have a leadership role to play in creating a sustainable global economy. We are committed to developing and marketing products and services that meet shareholder expectations and consumer demand.