A strong financial education is crucial to achieving and maintaining financial stability. Discover provides financial education opportunities to help consumers, particularly students and those in underserved communities, enhance their financial skills and understand the risks and opportunities of their financing decisions. We partner with schools, communities, and organizations to bring financial education to individuals nationwide.

Pathway to Financial Success
Our primary financial education program, Pathway to Financial Success, was created in partnership with Discovery Education to bring financial education into middle and high school classrooms across the country, empowering students to manage money and make smart financial decisions. Through this program, we offer educational resources for teachers, as well as tools and tips for parents. In 2020 our Pathway to Financial Success in Schools curriculum, which is optimized for online learning, saw a huge uptick in program usage, which continued through 2021. Since 2012, the Pathway to Financial Success program has impacted nearly 5.7 million children and their families across the country.
Discover.com Education Materials
We’re making financial education materials more accessible to all through Discover.com, which provides more than 1,000 free resources on topics which range from credit card basics and how to manage credit to broad financial literacy and credit education.
Financial Literacy Partnerships
- MoneyW!SE
A lack of financial education and know-how can often make the path to independence more difficult for domestic violence survivors. Discover partners with MoneyWise to change that, to help provide free financial education to domestic violence survivors. In 2021 we continued to support MoneyWise online, allowing clients to continue on their path to financial independence during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- MoneyThink
Our support for MoneyThink enables students, many of whom are first-time college-bound members of their families, to navigate the opportunities of college, including institution choices and financial assistance. In 2021 we increased our commitment to MoneyThink with a $100,000 grant, enabling the program to reach more than 10,000 students, of which 71 percent uploaded their financial aid award letters into the tool to make decisions regarding their education journey.
- First Nations Development Institute
Discover supports the First Nations culturally centered financial program to help Native Americans with the basics of financial management, financial markets, and financial instruments for borrowing and saving to create brighter financial futures for themselves and for their families. With Discover’s support, First Nations provided webinars, virtual trainings and workshops on topics including Financial Skills for Families, Fraud Awareness, Covid Scams, The Coronavirus in Indian Country and Building Native Communities.
- College Covered
CollegeCovered.com was created by Discover Student Loans to provide students, parents, and high school counselors with the know-how to plan and pay for college. This website offers a variety of resources and tips for each step of the college planning process. In 2021 CollegeCovered.com received more than 1.5 million unique visitors.
- Junior Achievement
For more than 20 years, Discover has partnered with Junior Achievement (JA) to inspire and educate young people in financial literacy. Discover employees volunteer, on company time, to facilitate financial education classes and entrepreneurship programs to participants as part of an overall curriculum implemented in schools. In 2021, more than 130 Discover employees volunteered in classrooms through JA, impacting nearly 2,000 students.