Investment Philosophy & Strategy
Generate competitive long-term results for policyowners
We believe that the best way to help ensure that we’ll be there for policyowners and their loved ones is through the consistent application of a long-standing investment philosophy.
Our goal is to generate competitive long-term results for policyowners, while preserving the ability to withstand downturns in financial markets. We extend this approach through the way we manage our General Investment Account (GIA), which comprises the assets we use to meet our obligations to our policyowners. Our focus on long-term, risk-adjusted returns and the consistent application of our investment strategy has resulted in a portfolio that has performed well in the past and is positioned to do so in the future.
Total Invested Assets
December 31, 2018
(In Millions)
Policy loans are loans taken by policyowners against the cash surrender value of their policies and, as such, are secured by the cash surrender value of those policies.
December 31, 2018
(In Millions)
*Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS), commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), and asset-backed securities (ABS)