Establishing our corporate
responsibility priorities
In early 2020, we conducted a materiality assessment to identify the most significant CR issues for Invesco and our key stakeholders, and the areas where Invesco can make the greatest impact.
The stages of our materiality assessment process were as follows:
Developed an initial list of CR issues based on information from external sources to identify potential CR topics. Our sources included global reporting guidelines, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) frameworks and rating agencies.
Consulted with key internal stakeholders, including CRC members, to identify and prioritize the CR issues with the most significant potential impact on our business.
Used the results of our CR materiality assessment to update Invesco’s CR pillars, inform our CR strategy and guide the disclosures in this 2020 Corporate Responsibility report. This report is in accordance with GRI Standards.

Engaging Our Stakeholders
As a publicly traded company whose success depends on helping clients achieve their financial objectives, we have long defined shareholders, clients and employees as our key stakeholders. However, our stakeholders expand beyond this list to also include regulators, industry organizations, community organizations and charities, investment analysts, business partners and local communities.
One of our key priorities is to ensure regular outreach and engagement with our stakeholders. This is particularly true for our shareholders. Here are some of the ways we actively engage with them:
Institutional investors have many opportunities to provide feedback to senior management by participating in conferences, one-on-one meetings and group meetings throughout the year.
Representatives of our major shareholders participate in conference calls that occur outside of the proxy season. These exchanges cover our executive compensation program, risk management, CR, strategic planning processes and current and emerging governance practices, generally and specifically with respect to Invesco.
Our Board annually reviews its effectiveness as a group with a questionnaire and confidential and private one-on-one interviews coordinated by an independent external advisor who specializes in corporate governance and reports the results of the annual review in person to the Board.
Our Chairperson of the Board and the Chairperson of our Compensation Committee have participated in certain shareholder and proxy advisor meetings to provide Board perspective and gain insights. Both the participating directors and management provide feedback to our full Board, based on such meetings.