This index aligns with the Global Reporting Initiative’s 2018 Sustainability Reporting Standards. This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. Our index facilitates access to Core reporting elements as well as additional Comprehensive level elements, where available.
UN SDG Alignment |
GRI Standard |
Description |
2020 Response |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-1 |
Name of the organization |
2020 Response:
Bristol Myers Squibb |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-2 |
Primary brands, products and services |
2020 Response:
Bristol Myers Squibb is a global biopharmaceutical company whose mission is to discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that help patients prevail over serious diseases. Learn more on our company webpage and in our 2020 10-K. |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-3 |
Location of organization’s headquarters |
2020 Response:
New York, New York, USA |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-4 |
Number and name of countries where the organization operates |
2020 Response:
Our products are sold worldwide, primarily to wholesalers, distributors, specialty pharmacies and, to a lesser extent, directly to retailers, hospitals, clinics and government agencies. We manufacture products in the U.S. and Puerto Rico and have significant manufacturing operations in two foreign countries. We have facilities in numerous countries. |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-5 |
Nature of ownership and legal form |
2020 Response:
Bristol Myers Squibb Company was incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware in August 1933 under the name Bristol Myers Company, as successor to a New York business started in 1887. In 1989, Bristol Myers Company changed its name to Bristol Myers Squibb Company as a result of a merger. We completed the Celgene transaction on November 20, 2019. On November 17, 2020, we completed our acquisition of MyoKardia for approximately $13.1 billion in cash. We continue to operate in one segment—Biopharmaceuticals. Learn more in our 2020 10-K. |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-6 |
Nature of markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of customers and beneficiaries) |
2020 Response:
2020 10-K, pages 2-7, 12-15 |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-7 |
Scale of the reporting organization (employees, operations, net sales, capitalization, quantity of products/services) |
2020 Response:
Operations, net sales and products: 2020 10-K, pages 1, 19-28 Employees: As of December 31, 2020, we had approximately 30,250 employees in 47 countries. Approximately 57% of our employees are located in the U.S. (excluding Puerto Rico) and 43% are located outside of the U.S. We supplement our employee population with independent contractors, contingent workers and temporary workforce support as needed. The average tenure of our employees is approximately eight years. |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-8 |
Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region, broken down by gender, report significant variations in employment numbers |
2020 Response:
See Global Diversity and Inclusion Report, page 15 |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-9 |
Describe supply chain |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Our People >> Supply Chain |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-10 |
Significant changes from previous report regarding size, structure, ownership, or its supply chain |
2020 Response:
We completed the Celgene transaction on November 20, 2019. On November 17, 2020, we completed our acquisition of MyoKardia for approximately $13.1 billion in cash. We continue to operate in one segment—Biopharmaceuticals. Learn more in our 2020 10-K. |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-11 |
Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Governance and Risk Management 2020 ESG Report: Ethical and Safe Products 2020 ESG Report: Our People: Supply Chain >> Human Rights |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-12 |
External charters, principles, initiatives |
2020 Response: | |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-13 |
Memberships in associations |
2020 Response:
Stakeholder Engagement– Business association memberships |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-14 |
Statement from senior management |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: CEO Letter |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-15 |
2020 Response:
Description of key impacts, risks, and opportunities |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Governance and Risk Management |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-16 |
Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, codes of ethics, and principles relevant to sustainable development |
2020 Response: |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-17 |
2020 Response:
Internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity, such as escalation through line management, whistleblowing mechanisms or hotlines |
2020 Response:
Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics, for Third Parties 2020 ESG Report: Quality, Integrity and Ethics >> Ethical Business |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-18 |
Governance structure of the organization, including committees under the highest governance body; identify any committees responsible for decision-making on economic, environmental and social impacts |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Governance |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-19 |
2020 Response:
Process for delegating authority for economic, environmental and social topics from highest governance body to senior executives and other employees |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Our Approach to ESG; Governance and Risk Management Principles of Integrity: BMS Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-20 |
2020 Response:
Identify executive-level position with responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics and reporting to highest governance body |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Our Approach to ESG |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-21 |
2020 Response:
Mechanisms for consultation between stakeholders and highest governance body on economic, environmental and social topics |
2020 Response: |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-22 |
2020 Response:
Composition of the highest governance body and its committees |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Governance and Risk Management |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-23 |
2020 Response:
Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer, and if so, reason for this arrangement |
2020 Response: |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-24 |
2020 Response:
Report the nomination and selection processes for the highest governance body and its committees, and the criteria used for nominating and selecting highest governance body members |
2020 Response:
Corporate Governance Guidelines—Composition and Structure of the Board |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-25 |
2020 Response:
Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided and managed |
2020 Response:
Corporate Governance Guidelines—Board Responsibilities—Item 4 Compliance, Ethics and Conflicts of Interest |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-26 |
2020 Response:
Role of highest governance body and senior executives in developing, approving, and updating the purpose, value, or mission statements, strategies, policies and goals related to economic, environmental and social impacts |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Our Approach to ESG; Environmental Responsibility >> Our Approach |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-27 |
2020 Response:
Measures taken to develop and enhance the highest governance body's collective knowledge of economic, environmental and social topics |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Governance and Risk Management |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-28 |
2020 Response:
Process for evaluating the highest governance body's own performance with respect to economic, environmental and social and if evaluation is independent or self-assessment |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Governance and Risk Management Corporate Governance Guidelines—Evaluating the Board’s Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-29 |
2020 Response:
Process of the highest governance body's role for overseeing the organization's identification and management of economic, environmental, and social performance and if stakeholder consultation is used |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Governance and Risk Management; Environmental Responsibility >> Our Approach |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-30 |
2020 Response:
Role of the highest governance body in reviewing the effectiveness of the organization's risk management processes for EES topics |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Governance and Risk Management Board Committee & Charters—Audit Committee Charter—Responsibilities and Duties—Item 10 |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-31 |
2020 Response:
Frequency of the highest governance body's review of EES impacts, risks, and opportunities |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Governance and Risk Management; Environmental Responsibility >> Our Approach Board Committee & Charters—Committee on Directors and Corporate Governance Charter—Responsibilities and Duties—Items 15 and 17 |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-32 |
2020 Response:
Highest committee or position that formally reviews and approves the organization's sustainability report and ensures all material Aspects are covered |
2020 Response: | |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-33 |
2020 Response:
Process for communicating critical concerns to the highest governance body |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Governance and Risk Management; Quality, Integrity and Ethics >> Ethical Business |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-34 |
2020 Response:
Nature and total number of critical concerns that were communicated to the highest governance body and the mechanism(s) used to address and resolve them |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> Quality, Integrity and Ethics >> Ethical Business |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-35 |
2020 Response:
Remuneration policies for highest governance body and senior executives; linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives, and the organization's performance |
2020 Response:
Corporate Governance Guidelines Governance & Executive Compensation Policies Corporate Governance Guidelines—Annual Evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-36 |
2020 Response:
Process for determining remuneration |
2020 Response:
Corporate Governance Guidelines Governance & Executive Compensation Policies Corporate Governance Guidelines—Annual Evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-40 |
List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization |
2020 Response:
Corporate engagement: • Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative By issue: |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-41 |
Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements |
2020 Response:
We currently do not track collective bargaining agreements in our supply chain. |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-42 |
Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage |
2020 Response: | |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-43 |
Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group |
2020 Response:
Board Committee and Charters—Committee on Directors and Corporate Governance Charter—Responsibilities and Duties—Item 13 |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-44 |
Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organization has responded to those key topics and concerns. Report stakeholder groups that raised each key topic and concern. |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction: Our Approach to ESG SEC Filings—Proxy Filings |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-45 |
Entities included in financial statements, and specify which are included/excluded from this report |
2020 Response: | |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-46 |
Process for defining report content and Aspect Boundaries, explain implementation of Reporting Principles for Defining Report Content |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> About This Report |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-47 |
List all material Aspects identified in the process for defining report content |
2020 Response:
BMS Sustainability 2020 Goals Progress Update—page 3 |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-48 |
Explanation of the effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports |
2020 Response:
Any restatement of information is included in the footnotes beneath the specific performance data tables |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-49 |
Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the Scope and Aspect Boundaries |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction: About Bristol Myers Squibb |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-50 |
Reporting period |
2020 Response:
January 1, 2020—December 31, 2020 |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-51 |
Date of most recent report |
2020 Response:
June, 2019 |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-52 |
Reporting cycle |
2020 Response:
Annual |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-53 |
Contact information |
2020 Response: | |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-54 |
"In accordance" option and location of the GRI content index |
2020 Response:
We are reporting in alignment with the Global Reporting Initiative’s 2018 Sustainability Reporting Standards. Our index facilitates access to Core reporting elements as well as additional Comprehensive level elements, where available. |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-55 |
GRI content index |
2020 Response: | |
GRI Standard:
GRI 102-56 |
External assurance |
2020 Response: | |
GRI Standard:
GRI 103-1 |
Boundary of the report within the organization and specific limitations |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> About This Report |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 103-2 |
The management approach and its components |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Introduction >> About This Report; Our Approach to ESG |
GRI Standard:
GRI 103-3 |
Evaluation of the management approach |
2020 Response:
Board Committee & Charters—Committee on Directors and Corporate Governance Charter—Responsibilities and Duties—Items 15 and 17 |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 201-1 |
Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments |
2020 Response:
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 201-2 |
Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization's activities due to climate change |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> Our Approach; 2020 Performance 2020 ESG Report: TCFD Index |
GRI Standard:
GRI 201-3 |
Coverage of the organization's defined benefit plan obligations |
2020 Response:
2020 10-K, pages 51, 104—112 |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 203-1 |
Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services supported |
2020 Response: |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 203-2 |
Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Innovation and Access to Healthcare |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 205-2 |
Percentage of employees trained in anti-corruption policies/procedures |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Quality, Integrity and Ethics >> Anti-corruption Our Principles—All employees must read and sign off on the Principles of Integrity: BMS Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics as a condition of employment. |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 301-2 |
Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> Packaging and Transportation; Waste |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 302-1 |
Direct energy consumption by primary energy source including coal, natural gas, distilled fuel, biofuels, ethanol, hydrogen. The indicator covers scope 1 of the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol. Report total direct energy consumption in joules or multiples by renewable/non-renewable primary source. |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 302-2 |
Energy consumption outside of the organization |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 302-3 |
Energy intensity |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 302-4 |
Reduction of energy consumption |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> Energy and Emissions; 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 303-1 |
Total water withdrawal by source |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 303-2 |
Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 303-3 |
Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 304-3 |
Habitats protected or restored |
2020 Response:
Not reported |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 304-4 |
Number of IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk |
2020 Response:
Not reported |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 305-1 |
Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 305-2 |
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 305-3 |
Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 305-4 |
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 305-5 |
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 305-6 |
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 305-7 |
NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions by type |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 306-1 |
Total water discharge by quality and destination |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 306-2 |
Total weight of waste by type and disposal method |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> Waste; 2020 progress |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 306-3 |
Total number and volume of significant spills |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 306-4 |
Weight of transported, imported, exported, or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII, and percentage of transported waste shipped internationally |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> 2020 Performance |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 307-1 |
Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
2020 Response: |
GRI Standard:
GRI 308-1 |
Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Our People >> Supply Chain |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 401-2 |
Benefits to full time employees |
2020 Response: |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 403-1 |
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programs |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Quality, Integrity and Ethics >> OHS |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 403-2 |
Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities by region and by gender |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Quality, Integrity and Ethics >> Product Safety |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 404-2 |
Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings. |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Our People >> Global Diversity and Inclusion |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 405-1 |
Composition of governance bodies and employee breakdown per employee category by gender, age, minority group member (other diversity) |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Our People >> Global Diversity and Inclusion |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 408-1 |
Child labor incidents and measures to eliminate child labor |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Our People >>Supply Chain >> Human rights Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics for Third Parties, page 3 Bristol Myers Squibb UN Global Compact Communication on Progress 2020 |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 409-1 |
Forced labor incidents and measures to eliminate forced labor |
2020 Response:
We had zero incidents of forced labor for 2020. Overarching Policies Principles of Integrity: BMS Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 410-1 |
Security personnel trained to understand human rights |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Our People >> Supply Chain Workplace Policies—Security |
GRI Standard:
GRI 412-1 |
Percentage and total number of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews and/or impact assessments |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Our People >>Supply Chain >> Human rights Bristol Myers Squibb UN Global Compact Communication on Progress 2020 |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 414-1 |
Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using social criteria |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Our People >>Supply Chain >> Human rights Bristol Myers Squibb UN Global Compact Communication on Progress 2020 |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 415-1 |
Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country |
2020 Response: |
GRI Standard:
GRI 416-1 |
Percentage of significant product and service categories for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Innovation and Access to Healthcare >> Bioethics; R&D; Clinical trials 2020 ESG Report: Environmental Responsibility >> Waste (PiE) |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 416-2 |
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by type of outcomes |
2020 Response:
2020 ESG Report: Innovation and Access to Healthcare >> Clinical trials |
GRI Standard:
GRI 417-1 |
Type of product and service information required by procedures, and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirements |
2020 Response: | |
GRI Standard:
GRI 417-3 |
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by type of outcomes |
2020 Response: | |
UN SDG Alignment:
GRI Standard:
GRI 419-1 |
Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area |
2020 Response:
Principles of Integrity: BMS Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics, Data Privacy, page 7 |