A Pipeline for Innovation
When Newell set out to transform itself from a holding company to a brand-driven operating company, establishing a dedicated Design Center was an important step in the right direction. Our state-of-the-art Design Center in Kalamazoo, Michigan, complemented by new design hubs in Chicago and Hoboken, places Newell in the exclusive club of companies that use design and innovation as competitive advantages. The Design Center’s unique structure brings together not just industrial designers, but also engineers, usability experts, prototypers and color and trend consultants, allowing for evaluation of each new product from multiple viewpoints.
Our design approach considers four factors: function, form, fit and finish. These characteristics allow our products to command premium pricing, and they’re yielding meaningful and positive outcomes in the marketplace. We have an exciting new product lineup in 2017. Take EXPO Dry Erase Markers with Ink Indicator, the whiteboard marker that lets you know when you’re about to run out of ink. Or Elmer’s Re-Stick, re-stickable glue that gives you the opportunity to fix a project within the first five minutes of gluing. Or Rubbermaid Brilliance, with its airtight 100 percent leak-proof seal for no leaks.
There’s more where these ideas came from. Currently, we have close to 70 projects in the works, each with the potential to generate incremental revenue of $10 million or more. In the fourth quarter of 2016 alone, we tested 71 new concepts for Yankee Candle, Coleman, Crock-Pot and other brands. Of these concepts, 83 percent cleared our acceptance criteria; of those, more than half cleared with high differentiation, suggesting that these products could be offered at premium prices to drive margin development.
Newell will never stop pushing the boundaries of innovation. Our Design Center and hubs are proof. We look forward to unlocking the extraordinary equity latent in our brands for growth acceleration in 2017 and beyond.