Reported sales of $3.2 billion and operating income of $478 million.
Opened a new Tennessee ceramic plant ahead of schedule and now running above expectations. With the facility’s state-of-the-art capabilities, we are developing unique styles and larger sizes to enhance our product portfolio.
Modernized our Italian manufacturing assets, which allowed us to completely transform our European product offering, expanding our margins and positioning us as the style leader in the market.
Improved our Eastern European ceramic business through productivity enhancements and upgraded product style and design; began shipping manufactured product from Eastern Europe to the U.S. and Western Europe.
Expanded our participation in the European commercial ceramic channel by upgrading high-end commercial assets, a project which will be complete by mid-2017.
Initiated expansion of our Salamanca plant in Mexico, which will roughly double the facility’s capacity and will be operational by the end of 2017.
Improved ceramic sales on a local basis in Russia by participating in the new construction sector and expanding distribution through investments in owned and franchised stores; both initiatives enabled us to outperform a challenging Russian ceramic market.