Totaled $1.9 billion in sales and $333 million in operating income.
Increased LVT manufacturing capacity by over 30 percent to keep pace with accelerated market growth.
Initiated new LVT production line in Belgium, which will be operational in late 2017, to further grow capacity to meet rapidly increasing demand.
Announced the construction of a carpet tile plant in Belgium, to start production by the end of 2017.
Commenced laminate capacity expansion in Russia where the business has been operating at capacity; project will be complete by mid-2018.
Announced the construction of a greenfield sheet vinyl plant in Russia to come online during 2018, when we expect an economic rebound.
Grew laminate sales in the premium segment of the market through products featuring realistic visuals, deeply embossed surfaces and proprietary water-resistant technology.
Significantly increased sales of insulation boards through the integration of our Xtratherm acquisition with our existing regional insulation business.
Increased efficiency of medium-density fiberboard (MDF) and chipboard manufacturing through process improvements.