Peformance At-A-Glance

CY2018 Water Withdrawal by Source
2018 Water Mass Balance (Water Volume – m3)
Water Widthdrawal (m3)
Water Use & Recycle (Water Use - m3)
CY2018 Hazardous Waste Breakdown
CY2018 Nonhazardous Waste Breakdown
Hazardous Waste (Total Waste - million kg)
Nonhazardous Waste (Total Waste - million kg)
Total Waste & Recycle (Total Waste - million kg)
Energy Consumption & Savings (MWh)

Detailed figures can be found in the GRI Index.

2018 Energy Breakdown by Source
Scope 1 Emissions by Source
Scope 1 Emissions by County/Region
Total Metric Tons of CO2e Per Year