Discover has taken on the challenge of creating and preserving affordable housing opportunities and continually focuses our efforts on both homeownership and rental opportunities.
What Is the Low-Income
Housing Tax Credit?
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is a federal program that issues tax credits to state governments, which then award the credits to private developers through a competitive process, for construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing projects for low-income households. Developers generally sell the credits to private investors to obtain funding. Once the housing project is made available to tenants, investors can claim the LIHTC over a 10-year period.
We take a two-pronged approach to promoting affordable homeownership, working at a national and local level. Nationally, Discover participates in the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s (NCRC) Affordable Homeownership Coalition, which convenes multiple stakeholders to solve the problem of homeownership among low-income communities. In 2018-19, we provided a $275,000 grant to NCRC.
Locally, Discover has partnered with the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) since 2004 to offer products and services that help low- to moderate-income homebuyers in the state advance up the property ladder. These options include:
- Access to down payment and settlement cost assistance.
- Financial coaching—a program called $tand by Me—to help people qualify for a mortgage. Coaches help homebuyers who aren’t immediately approved for a mortgage to improve their credit and become mortgage ready. We support this service through a $75,000 annual grant to DSHA.
- Low fixed-rate mortgages.
- Reduced interest rates for recent college graduates—called Home for Grads, new in 2018-19.
In 2018-19, our partnership with DHSA helped generate over $150 million in mortgages for low- and moderate-income Delaware homebuyers.
Rental Housing
Discover’s approach to affordable rental housing focuses on both preservation and the creation of new units. In 2018-19, Discover approved a $7.8 million low-interest loan for Milford Housing Development Corporation (MHDC), helping the nonprofit to acquire and preserve 400 units of affordable rental housing in the resort area of Sussex County, Delaware.2 Sussex County’s Comprehensive Plan, which was approved in 2018, states that the county’s housing market is the fastest-growing and most expensive in Delaware. In addition to the low-interest loan, we provide annual grants to MHDC that totaled $275,000 in 2018 and $300,000 in 2019.
low-interest loan for Milford Housing Development Corporation.
In 2018-19, Discover purchased Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs) to support the development of the Pearl Center, a new 52-unit multifamily affordable housing development for homeless veterans in Wilmington. When called upon, we were able to provide additional funding to the project to allow the Pearl Center’s management organization, the Delaware Center for Homeless Veterans, to install a commercial kitchen to serve Pearl Center residents, as well as residents of nearby shelters and transitional units. In addition to the financial support, Discover provided care packages for all new residents of the property.
Discover Bank also developed other unique and creative programs to support its local community. Two examples are our small business loan fund and our support of a low-income community credit union.