GRI indicator | Description | Reported |
General Standards Disclosures | ||
Strategy and analysis | ||
G4-1 | CEO Letter | CEO Message |
G4-2 | Key impacts, risks and opportunities |
CEO Message Leading in society Form 10-K |
Organizational profile | ||
G4-3 | Organization name | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. |
G4-4 | Primary brands, products and services | Form 10-K |
G4-5 | Headquarters location | Bentonville, Ark. |
G4-6 | Where the organization operates |
Annual Report Corporate profile |
G4-7 | Nature of ownership and legal form | Form 10-K |
G4-8 | Markets served |
Corporate profile Annual Report Form 10-K |
G4-9 | Scale of the organization |
Corporate profile Annual Report Form 10-K |
G4-11 | Collective bargaining agreements | Form 10-K |
G4-12 | Supply chain description |
Sustainability - Responsible sourcing Opportunity - Women's economic empowerment Sustainability - 360 Form 10-K Standards for suppliers |
G4-13 | Organizational changes during the reporting period | Form 10-K |
G4-15 | External charters, principles or other initiatives |
Opportunity - Women's economic empowerment Sustainability - Sustainable product design (Chemicals, Closed Loop Fund) Sustainability - Sustainability index (TSC) Sustainability - Sustainable manufacturing (CDP) Stakeholder engagement |
G4-16 | Membership organizations |
Stakeholder engagement Sustainability - Responsible sourcing |
G4-17 | Entities included in financial statements |
Corporate profile Annual Report Form 10-K |
G4-18 | Process for defining report boundaries and content | Stakeholder engagement |
G4-23 | Significant changes from previous reporting periods | None |
G4-24 | Stakeholder groups | Stakeholder engagement |
G4-25 | Stakeholder identification | Stakeholder engagement |
G4-26 | Approach to Stakeholder engagement | Stakeholder engagement |
G4-27 | Topics raised during Stakeholder engagements |
Stakeholder engagement Sustainability - 360 Sustainability - More sustainable operations Sustainability - More sustainable products Leading in society Approach to serving society |
G4-28 | Reporting period |
FY2015 (February 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015) Limited inclusion of 2015 (January - April) |
G4-29 | Date of most recent previous report | April, 2014 |
G4-30 | Reporting cycle | Annually |
G4-31 | Point of contact for questions | |
G4-32 | “In accordance” option, GRI Index and report assurance | This report contains Standard Disclosures from the GRI Sustainability Report Guidelines |
G4-34 | Governance structure |
Governance Proxy statement CNGC Charter |
G4-35 | Process for delegating authority for sustainability topics from the board to senior executives and other employees | CNGC Charter |
G4-36 | High-level accountability for sustainability topics |
Governance CNGC Charter |
G4-37 | Process for consolation between stakeholders and highest governance body |
Proxy statement Corporate governance guidelines |
G4-38 | Composition of the board and its committees |
Proxy statement Corporate governance guidelines Form 10-K |
G4-39 | Whether board chair is also an executive officer | Governance |
G4-40 | Nomination and selection process for the board and its committees |
Proxy statement CNGC Charter |
G4-41 | Board conflicts of interest |
Proxy statement Statement of Ethics |
G4-42 | Board and executives' roles in the organization's mission statements, strategies, policies and roles related to sustainability impacts |
Governance CNGC Charter |
G4-43 | Board knowledge of sustainability topics | Governance |
G4-45 | Board role in the identification and management of sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities | Proxy statement |
G4-46 | Board role in reviewing risk management processes for sustainability topics |
Proxy statement CNGC Charter |
G4-47 | Frequency of the board's review of sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities | Governance |
G4-49 | Process for communicating critical concerns to the board |
Statement of Ethics Proxy statement |
G4-51 | Remuneration policies for the board and senior executives | Proxy statement |
G4-52 | Process for determining remuneration | Proxy statement |
G4-53 | Stakeholders' views on remunerations | Proxy statement |
G4-56 | Ethics policy | Statement of Ethics |
G4-57 | Helplines or advice lines for ethical and lawful behavior guidance | Statement of Ethics |
G4-58 | Mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior | Statement of Ethics |
Specific Disclosures | ||
Economic performance | ||
G4-DMA | Disclosures on management approach (DMA) | Form 10-K |
G4-EC1 | Economic value |
Form 10-K Leading in society Community - Associate philanthropy Community - Associate support Community - Local communities Community - Disaster response and preparedness |
G4-EC2 | Climate change risks |
Form 10-K Sustainability, pages 46-101 |
G4-EC3 | Benefit plan coverage |
Form 10-K Opportunity at Walmart |
Indirect economic impacts | ||
G4-EC7 | Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services supported |
Sustainability - Responsible sourcing Sustainability - Sustainable product design Opportunity beyond Walmart Community - Associate philanthropy Community - Associate support Community - Local communities Community - Disaster response and preparedness |
G4-EN3 | Energy consumption within the organization |
Sustainability - Leading in energy CDP Climate Filing |
Environmental | ||
G4-DMA | Disclosures on management approach (DMA) |
Leading in society Sustainability - 360 Sustainability - More sustainable operations Sustainability - More sustainable products |
G4-EN4 | Energy consumption outside of the organization | Sustainability - Sustainable manufacturing |
G4-EN8 | Total water withdrawal by source |
CDP Water Filing Sustainability - Resource efficiency |
G4-EN9 | Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water |
CDP Water Filing Sustainability - Resource efficiency |
G4-EN10 | Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused |
CDP Water Filing Sustainability - Resource efficiency |
G4-EN13 | Habitats protected and restored | Acres for America |
G4-EN15 | Direct Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope 1) |
CDP Climate Filing Sustainability - 360 Sustainability - Leading in energy |
G4-EN16 | Energy Indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 2) |
CDP Climate Filing Sustainability - 360 Sustainability - Leading in energy |
G4-EN17 | Other indirect GHG Emissions (Scope 3) | CDP Climate Filing |
G4-EN18 | GHG Emissions intensity | CDP Climate Filing |
G4-EN19 | Reduction of GHG Emissions | CDP Climate Filing |
G4-EN22 | Total water discharge by quality and destination | CDP Water Filing |
Social | ||
G4-DMA | Disclosures on management approach (DMA) |
Statement of Ethics Supplier standards |
Occupational health and safety | ||
G4-LA6 | Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days and absenteeism | Sustainability - Safety and compliance (health and safety) |
Training and education | ||
G4-LA10 | Programs and skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees |
Opportunity - Associate opportunity Opportunity - Workforce opportunity |
G4-LA11 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews | Stakeholder engagement |
Diversity and equal opportunity | ||
G4-LA12 | Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees |
Opportunity - Diversity and inclusion Form 10-K |
Society | ||
G4-DMA | Disclosures on management approach (DMA) |
Leading in society Community - Associate philanthropy Community - Associate support Community - Local communities Community - Disaster response and preparedness |