Supporting the UN Sustainable
Development Goals
The United Nations has established a series of ambitious goals for securing a sustainable planet by 2030.
CF supports the following goals, which align most closely with our business:

By supporting thousands of direct and indirect American jobs, we contribute to local economies and enable financial well-being.
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By feeding the crops that feed the world, we ensure food security for people worldwide.
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We’re educating farmers on nutrient management and conservation practices that allow crops to grow with less impact on waterways.
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Clean and abundant natural gas powers our operations and is our feedstock. We also operate our plants efficiently using captured waste heat.
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CF brings high-paying jobs and economic development to rural communities.
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We invest in energy-saving technologies and track our impacts with an eye toward continuous improvement.
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Our manufacturing and dis- tribution practices emphasize safety and energy-efficient production.
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Helping farmers maximize soil health and yield per acre protects forests that sequester carbon.
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Educating farmers on nutrient management minimizes runoff, which helps keep water sources clean.
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Promoting farming practices like conservation cover creates a habitat for pollinators and food for wildlife.
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We partner with farmers, NGOs and others to advance sustainable solutions related to our business.