
Doing Our Part for Our

Supporting Responsible Manufacturing

Nitrogen fertilizer manufacturing is an energy-intensive process. That’s why we regularly invest in capital improvement projects that enable us to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions. In 2014, these improvements included energy-reduction projects at our Verdigris, Oklahoma, complex that resulted in approximate savings of 476,000 MMBtus, the equivalent average energy consumption of about 13,000 U.S. homes annually. We also installed selective catalytic reduction systems at two plants in Port Neal, Iowa, to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. In addition, new plants at Port Neal, Iowa, and Donaldsonville, Louisiana, include energy-efficient, state-of-the-art technology.

We not only invest in our own plants to make them run more efficiently and cleaner, but we also manufacture products that help other industries realize their own environmental goals. We are, for example, one of the largest producers in North America of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF), which helps reduce nitrous oxide emissions of heavy-duty trucks by up to 90 percent and improve fuel efficiency by up to five percent.

Source: Internal CF Data

CF Industries Partner

“Helping our customers implement the 4R program is critical to our business. For example, it’s important that customers understand how and when to apply anhydrous ammonia in order to realize their yield goals. If they don’t apply it correctly, then they can’t realize the value of our products, and that ultimately impacts our ability to stay in business.”
Andrew Kappes, Sales Agronomist and Crop Scout South Dakota Wheat Growers, a retail customer of CF Industries in Langford, South Dakota

Taking a Lifecycle Approach

Our approach to environmental stewardship takes the full lifecycle of our products into account. For this reason, we are partners in the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Program, which encourages farmers to use fertilizer application practices that are mindful of the right source, rate, time and place. Such practices help to reduce soil erosion, ammonia emissions and nitrification, as well as the amount of energy used per harvested unit of farm production. The 4R research fund provides grants to support continuous improvements in agricultural stewardship. For example, farmers can better understand air, land and water quality impacts from farm stewardship practices. By using data, we can demonstrate how the 4R approach positively impacts impaired watersheds. In addition, CF internal agronomy experts work closely with our wholesale customers to advise them on best practices to share with their farmer customers.

4R Principles of Nutrient Stewardship