Combine unmatched physical assets with world-class e-commerce capabilities. Only Walmart will be able to deliver a seamless shopping experience at scale…one happy customer at a time.
Ready to shop? At home or on your lunch break at work, on a laptop, tablet or smartphone, Walmart is focused on making shopping fast and easy. Letting customers shop how they want, and when they want is an important way we help people “live better.”
Do you know another global retailer that offers online ordering of a chicken, a tv, a shirt and organic apples all in the same order … and have it available for you in hours at a great price? We didn’t think so.
Thousands of points of distribution. State-of-the-art logistics and transportation. Big data and apps to figure it all out. We put it together with a goal that every order is fulfilled quickly and accurately –
every time.
Our Online Grocery option provides customers with the convenience they are looking for. Order online, pickup at your local store at a time that you choose. We’re expanding this offering to more markets, both in the U.S. and globally. Customers love it, and so do we.
For a busy mom with young kids, Walmart’s unique e-commerce capabilities like Online Grocery make smiles bigger and budgets go farther. Customers that interact with us both online and in stores shop more and buy more. What does it all mean? That we’re headed in the
right direction.