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Local Markets

Recycling stations

With Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Unilever and PepsiCo, we’ve installed modern recycling stations, capable of handling 1,200 tons of waste, in five supermarkets. Recycling stations offer customers the ability to recycle more than 20 different materials. Those new stations provide strategic information about the captured material, helping Walmart Chile and the other participants improve the sustainability of our products. The program launched in November 2013 and collected 16.6 tons of waste by the end of December 2013.

Plastic bags

Half the plastic bags in our Lider stores are made of 75 percent recycled materials, which help prevent the disposal of about 1,500 tons of plastic to landfills annually. In an effort to increase that percentage even further, we’ve started collecting plastic bags from our customers in every Lider and Express de Lider store. We provide this material to our manufacturer to produce new bags.

Better products

We were the first company in Chile to create incentives for suppliers to develop more sustainable products. In collaboration with Fundación Chile, we offer free sustainability guidance to suppliers of our private-label products, while connecting them with the public funds necessary to turn the improvements into reality. In 2013, 12 private-label and sustainable agriculture suppliers participated in this three-year program.